Thomas Hensel

Physicist, Philosopher, Sciencepreneur

About Me

Currently, I pursue a PhD in physics at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences in Göttingen. Joining the group of Stefan Hell, I develop new methods for sub-diffraction scale microscopy.

I graduated in Physics and Philosophy (Hannover) and was fortunate to spend time at CERN, Stanford University and Universitetet i Agder during my studies.

My general research interest is in the field of novel imaging methods, (quantum) metrology and applied quantum information: How do quantum mechanical properties affect the extraction, communication and processing of information? 

Besides my work in physics, I am interested in philosophy. Having studied philosophy of science allows me to broaden my view beyond my subject and to discover the links between science and the socio-political context.


Browse my research project in physics.


An overview of my philosophical work.


Get in touch for a project.

My work in physics comprises of fundamental research in the area of quantum sensing. Possible applications can be found in the medical sciences, to develop novel quantum imaging methods or to advance quantum computing with reliable state-tomography protocols. Click the box below to see a selection of my contributions.

Can artificial intelligent systems make moral decisions? How do we design morally responsible AI? My research aims at contributing to the understanding of these questions and providing means to ethically responsible design of artificial intelligence. For a selection of my contributions, please click the box below.


I am convinced that the communication of science is important for the public and scientists as well. It is challenging to break down deep scientific insights such that they are understandable even without years of training in a field. But meeting this challenge is a duty of every scientist performing research in the public domain. So please, reach out!

Scientific Advice

Do you want to create a movie, book or other form of content? Scientific accuracy and fact checking is an important step to raise the quality of your project. I am keen to learn about your passion and dive into your story to support you with advice on the scientific accuracy of the ideas.

Innovation and Consulting

As you might have guessed by now, it is my passion to think about new ideas. And in my experience there is almost always a solutions, as uncommon as it may be. It is my mission to support your project, transfer knowledge and create a network with you. Let us think big together!